Unity Tutorial 04

 So for this week's Unity tutorial I had to finish off the game I started making last week and also had to do a challenge.

For the tutorial, I had to put a box collider around all the animals in the game and even the pizza so if those objects collide with another object, then they will delete from the game. Well, they did delete after I put some code in the c# script to make it possible. I also got rid of the S key and instead have animals spawn at random times in random locations.

For the challenge, I had to make a new game where dogs spawn in front of the player and balls fall from the sky and it is the player's job to try and time the ball falling with the dog running so the dog can catch the ball before the ball hits the floor. 

I really enjoyed this week's tutorial because I got to finish the game from last week and got to play it in its completed form and I also enjoyed the challenge as it was a new game I had to make by myself.

What I found difficult was the challenge as since I had to do it myself there was no guide to help me. I did enjoy doing it but also have found it difficult so I had to watch a Youtube video where I got some tips on how to complete the challenge. 


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