Unity Tutorial 08
So for this weeks Unity tutorial, I finished up the game I was building in last weeks tutorial. If you do not know what game I am on about or haven't read the blog post you can read it by clicking here.
So for this week, I created waves. And no not the waves you would see at the beach I mean more characters now spawn than just the one. So once the one enemy falls off the map, then two spawn in. After those two enemies fall off the map three spawn in and so on. Now I know what you may be thinking, Justin there is only one powerup for the whole game. Well not anymore as I coded for one powerup to spawn for each round. So when the enemies spawn in, so does a powerup so you have more of a chance of lasting longer in the game.
For this week I also did another challenge where it was a football game they gave you and you had to try to and fix it. So the things I had to fix for this challenge were when I hit an enemy, the enemy should be sent backwards not the player, a new wave will not start when a powerup is collected, set a duration for the powerup, fix the number of enemies that spawn in (instead of having 3 then 4 then 2 start having 1 then 2 then 3 and so on). I then got the enemies to move towards the goal, and finally got the enemies to move faster as the waves went on.
This week I found it quite difficult with the challenge as I could not get the turbo boost working on the player and the tutorial I did it took me some time to get some things working but got it in the end.
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