Unity Tutorial 09
So for this weeks Unity tutorial I worked off my own tutorial that would be useful for my game. The first tutorial I did was how to restart the game when the player hits an obstacle in the game and if you want to watch that tutorial click here.
I believe this tutorial went really well for me as I got my game restarting my watching this tutorial and I had no issues or errors while following this tutorial which was very good.
Another tutorial I watched was how to make coins, add a sound to them, create a scoreboard, make the coins disappear when collected and make the scoreboard go up every time a coin was collected. If you would like to watch this tutorial click here.
This tutorial was a lot different than the other tutorial as I could not get this working at all. I added the coins and the scoreboard in but the coins won't disappear and the score won't go up either.
For next week I hope to get the menu done and fix the coins to complete my game.
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