Tutorial 02
So for this week's tutorial, I continued on making Ruby's Adventure and I did 2 sets of tutorials.
For the first tutorial, I decorated my world. I also added a pivot to my Sprites. A pivot is a special point that acts as the anchor for the Sprite. I learned how to do them by coordinates and manually. I also learned about Prefabs. Prefabs make GameObjects into an asset while keeping the same settings and components you have made to them instead of entering those settings and components for each individual object. Fortunately, I learned about Prefabs last semester so I flew through this part quite quickly.
For the other tutorial, I learned about World Interactions - Blocking Movement. In this tutorial, I learned about the physics system in the game and about Rigidbodys, Gravity, and Colliders. Luckily when doing 3D gaming last semester I knew exactly what all of this was but it was good to get a fresh reminder on them. After adding all those components to the Sprites, Ruby was no longer able to walk through them. I also added colliders to the Tilemap but deleted it but kept it around the pool so Ruby does not go into the pool.
After doing this week's tutorial, I have to say I am enjoying making Ruby's Adventure. Even though there were some things in this week's tutorial that I already knew it was still fun to put them into a 2D game instead of a 3D game.
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