Tutorial 03
For this week's tutorial, I continued to work on Ruby's adventure and this week I worked on collectables, damage zones and enemies.
First of all, I adjusted Ruby's health to she starts with max health at the start of the game. I then added a collectable into the game so when Ruby picks it up, she gains some health. I also learned how triggers work and when a Rigidbody enters them.
I then added a damage zone in the game and when Ruby stays in it she loses health every two seconds as I set the invincible time to two seconds. I then adjusted the damage sprite so when I extend the image, instead of it being stretched out, it drew another one beside it making it look neater. I also added an enemy to the game and made the enemy move and when Ruby collides with the enemy, she loses health.
I enjoyed this week's tutorial because I got to add damage and an enemy to the game making it more difficult for Ruby to survive but I also found this week quite confusing because it was difficult to read everything and take in a lot of information a once but luckily got the tutorial finished.
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