Tutorial 04
So for this weeks tutorial, I went further with Ruby's Adventure. This week I did Sprite Animation and World Interactions - Projectile.
In the first tutorial, I created an animation controller and added new animations to that controller so the enemy walks as they move. When I added in the animation, it was too quick so I changed the sample rate from 60 to 4 to give it a slower and smoother look. Once I added in all the animations I made into the controller using a blend tree, I went to my scripts and did some coding and now the character can move with a walking animation. The same with Ruby but ruby animates in the direction I move her.
In the second tutorial, I learned about the physics system in Unity. I also learned that you can use a specific key to only be allowed to do that specific action. Layers are also something I learned in this tutorial as I assigned Ruby and the projectile to the layer system and unchecked where they both meet so they don't collide.
I enjoyed this week's tutorial as I learned a lot of new stuff but also difficult to take in all this new information.
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