Tutorial 05

 For this weeks tutorial, I focused on my camera work for my game and the particles system for my game.

For the camera work, I downloaded a package called Cinemachine. Cinemachine lets you have 3D camera setups allowing movements and cuts between multiple cameras. I made the camera follow Ruby so wherever she went, she was always in the centre of the scene. I also bought out the tile palette again and made my game a little bigger. 

For the particle system, there were a bunch of settings you could change. The settings I changed to make my smoke look more like smoke was the Texture Sheet Animation, Shape, Gradient and Size Over Lifetime. Once the effect was made, I made it into a Prefab and added that to my robot Prefab so, therefore, it will be attached to my robot no matter where it goes. I then did some coding in one of my scripts to officially add the effect to my robot.

I really enjoyed this week's tutorial as I got to work with the particle system and also camera work so now my game is looking a lot better and I can not wait till next week. 

This is what my game looks like after this week :)


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