Tutorial 07

 For this week's tutorial, I finished up Ruby's adventure which was the game I have been working on for many weeks now.

For the first part of the tutorial, I worked on the audio and inserting it into the game. I put audio on the game in general and I coded in my scripts so when you pick up the strawberry to collect health, a sound plays but unfortunately, I could not hear the audio when I was collecting the strawberry. I also added a component to the robot so the robot plays audio when it walks as it is broken.

For the second part of the tutorial, I build the game so I can properly play it as an application. There was a setting in the tutorial that I had to apply but I could not find the setting. Therefore, in the proper application when Ruby goes to collect the strawberry after losing health she walks straight through it instead of collecting it.

I really enjoyed this week as it was not long at all and I got to learn how to properly make my game into an application for people to build. I was also happy to learn about audio as audio in games is very important.


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