Unity Tutorial 06

 For this weeks tutorial, I continued on from the game I was building last week. If you did not read my last blog you can click here.

So this week I added music and sound effects to my game. I also added a smoke and dirt effect to the game also. The dirt effect is located at the character's feet and is there to add the effect of the running character. The effect is there when the character runs but disappears when the character dies or jumps. With the smoke effect, that plays when the character knocks into an obstacle and dies. This effect adds visualisation to when the character dies so the player knows it is truly game over. 

I also did a challenge this week. For this week's challenge, I got given a balloon game and I had to make some changes to it. For example, I had to make the background-repeat itself so it looks like an everlasting game. I had to let the player control the balloon, spawn objects, position the firework properly and also make sure the balloon stays in the frame and doesn't go too high nor too low.

I really enjoyed this weeks unity tutorial and challenge but I did have one issue and that was the sound. For some reason, after adding the sound into the game it would not play. I could play the sounds individually ut playing the game I could not.

Another thing that I found difficult was the challenge. I had to watch a YouTube video of a person explaining the challenge to me as I found it quite difficult. You can find the video here.


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