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Reading 10

 For this week's reading task we were asked to add some final additional stuff to our paragraphs. First of all, Shaun made comments on some of my work and I made changes based on his comments to make it look better and more professional.  Then I was asked to fill out the Check your Understanding part of the writing. This section was me asking questions about my writing to the reader to see if they understood what they just read. After that was completed I filled out my bibliography of papers that helped me with my final writing. I then went to unsplash  where I got a photo that shows user testing being performed. I downloaded this image and placed it at the start of my work.  Once that was complete I went to the Author Bio section and completed it. This section contained a little piece of information about myself from a third-person perspective. I also inserted an image of myself after that paragraph. I really liked this task because it was different than other tasks...

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